
Interested in Learning More?

Reach out to EO Nashville for information about membership opportunities or becoming a partner!

Catalyst, presented by EO Nashville, is a one-of-a-kind program designed to afford small business owners classes, forums, mentoring, and networking opportunities to help grow their revenues over the $1 million mark. Classes are held virtually and in the Entrepreneur Center, putting you in the hub of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Nashville. Last year's Catalyst group saw an average of 139% growth and employed 100 more Nashvillians. To qualify for EO's Catalyst program, you must be the founder, co-founder, or controlling shareholder of a business with at least $250,000 in gross revenue, and you must be approved to participate.

Ready to grow your business?

Apply Now

Know someone with a business grossing $250,000+/year who could benefit?

Refer Them Here


Objective: To afford small business owners who meet all EO membership criteria but operate companies between $250,000 and $1m in revenue an opportunity to participate in a program with 3 distinct segments:



The program will begin with 13 biweekly classes taught by Matt Charette. Each class will take place at the Entrepreneur Center, and EO members will be invited to attend and participate. The classes will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 12:00 PM. We’ll begin the program in August and classes will conclude in February.



The Catalyst participants will be divided into forums for a period of one year after the conclusion of the classroom segment. Each forum will have EO members assigned to lead the forum for the entire 12 months.



Catalyst members will be mentored throughout the program by EO members and others with subject matter expertise.


Additional EO Events

Catalyst members will be invited to many official EO learning and social events throughout the 18 months of Catalyst participation.


Participant Qualifications

  • Be the founder, co-founder, owner, or controlling shareholder of a local company
  • Hold one of the above titles for a company that grosses more than $250,000 annually
  • Motivation to grow your business up and over the $1 million mark


Application Process

Prospective members must first APPLY to ensure they meet the Entrepreneurs’ Organization membership criteria. You will then be contacted for more information if needed, and a decision will be made on your application.

If accepted, you will begin the next session of 13 biweekly classes taught at the Entrepreneur Center. You will then be trained to participate in forum and placed in an assigned forum to participate for up to one year.



Catalyst dues are $3500.00, which includes participation in the classes, mentorship, and 1 year of forum for a total of 18 months. The dues can be split into payments if necessary.

  • EO (Nashville) multiplies my business experience by an exponential factor and the dividends of membership are rich.

    Arnie Malham

    cj Advertising

  • I have found my forum to be a fantastic sounding board when significant life and business issues arise, and I value access afforded through the Nashville chapter of EO to the entrepreneurial business community.

    Mark Deutschmann

    Village Real Estate

  • EO creates "co-workers" for me so-to-speak. Being a business owner can be isolating at times and EO is a seamless way for me to connect with other business owners facing similar problems and challenges.

    Amy Tanksley

    Uncle Classic Barbershop

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