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Joe Freedman

Maximizing the Value of Experience Shares – Joe Freedman

Joe Freedman is the Director of Fluid Capital, which converts unpaid invoices into cash — the Founder and Director of EventWorks, a leading event service business — and Joyride, the nation’s largest micro-transportation company for B2B and B2C businesses. As a serial entrepreneur, Joe has experience launching, growing, and exiting companies in executive search, title insurance, legal services, and hospitality. He has an NACD Directorship Certification and is the Director and Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee at Red Cat Holdings.

Here's a Glimpse of What You'll Learn

  • How Joe Freedman joined EO in 1999 — and how the organization has evolved
  • Joe talks about his most defining struggle in the event business
  • How EO forums help entrepreneurs address complex personal and professional issues
  • The qualities of an ideal forum member and a successful forum experience
  • Extracting value from EO forums
  • Joe’s decision-making process and investment criteria
  • EO Nashville’s growth potential

In This Episode

Entrepreneurs’ sense of self-worth is often tied to their business, so it’s discouraging when something goes wrong. Likewise, when approaching your EO forum with a business setback, it can sometimes seem like you’re the only one experiencing the struggle. How can you optimize your forum experience to receive the support you need during trying times?

With a thriving business in the event space, Joe Freedman’s revenue declined significantly during the pandemic, while other companies in his EO forum seemed to flourish. But, after listening to others’ personal experiences, Joe discovered similarities, allowing him to assist and accept help from his forum members. To obtain maximum value from EO forums, you must actively participate in sessions by revealing deeply personal experiences and welcoming lessons from others’ stories. You can also attend international events to connect with additional members who may share your experiences.

In today’s The Decision episode, Robert Hartline and Eric Jackson chat with Joe Freedman of EventWorks, Fluid Capital, and Joyride, about addressing business and life challenges through active EO forum participation. Joe shares his decision-making process and investment criteria, EO Nashville’s future developments, and how EO has evolved since 1999.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode

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This episode is brought to you by EO Nashville.

The Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) is a high-quality support network of nearly 15,000 like-minded leaders from over 60 countries.

EO helps transform entrepreneurs’ lives through life-enhancing connections, shared experiences, and collaborative learning.

EO Nashville is the largest EO chapter in the US, third in the world, and has the most female members of any US chapter.

To learn more about how EO Nashville can benefit you, visit eonashville.com.

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