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Colton Mulligan

Retreat Ideas for Forum Retreats – Colton Mulligan

Colton Mulligan is the CEO and Principal Strategist at FoxFuel Creative, a creative agency that produces effective outcomes for brands through design, content, and technology. In his role, he drives strategy for developing and marketing brands and deploys new technologies to design innovative marketing campaigns and platforms. Colton is also a Certified Facilitator for ForumSherpa, where he creates custom retreat content based on each forum’s needs. He has been a member of EO for about six years.

Here's a Glimpse of What You'll Learn

  • What are ForumSherpas, and what is their role?
  • Colton Mulligan’s facilitation process for forum retreats
  • The value of diverse retreat exercises
  • Advice for EO members: how to capitalize on forum retreats
  • Co-hosts Robert Hartline and Eric Jackson talk about their first forum retreats
  • Colton shares the fundamental components of every retreat
  • How to navigate uncomfortable situations during forum retreats
  • Optimizing retreat exercises

In This Episode

EO (Entrepreneurs’ Organization) retreats add tremendous value to forums, and every member should have the opportunity to attend or facilitate one. These trips help to establish yearly goals and allow members to develop meaningful personal and professional relationships. So what does a retreat entail, and how can you make the most of it?

At the beginning of the forum’s initial retreat, facilitators should review their constitution — or rules — and make revisions based on group goals and member needs. Facilitators must assign each participant a role to ensure productive contributions. Forum retreat expert Colton Mulligan lists several impactful activities, including group surveys and personal vision-building exercises, but maintains that Biz, Balance, Buddies is foundational to success. This exercise allows you to allocate and prioritize key topics to analyze during the retreat and involves sharing business insights, building trust to foster relationships, and exhibiting emotional intelligence to resolve personal challenges.

FoxFuel Creative’s CEO and Principal Strategist, Colton Mulligan, returns on this episode of The Decision to speak with Robert Hartline and Eric Jackson about facilitating EO forum retreats. Colton explains the value of common retreat exercises, how to navigate uncomfortable situations, and how ForumSherpas help cultivate impactful retreats.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode

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This episode is brought to you by EO Nashville.

The Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) is a high-quality support network of nearly 15,000 like-minded leaders from over 60 countries.

EO helps transform entrepreneurs’ lives through life-enhancing connections, shared experiences, and collaborative learning.

EO Nashville is the largest EO chapter in the US, third in the world, and has the most female members of any US chapter.

To learn more about how EO Nashville can benefit you, visit eonashville.com.

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