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Serving EO

Serving on the Board

Serving on EO Nashville’s board is a very valuable experience for members, as you are truly leading leaders. You’ll have an opportunity to expand your EO experience in very meaningful ways, and connect with members around the world. Chairs must have served, ideally, as a Co-Chair, but could also have served as a committee member before becoming Chair.

Strategic Council

The Strategic Council is comprised of past presidents, current leadership and members who have either shown a strong interest in serving the chapter, or have a proven track record of making a difference in our chapter. Currently, the Strategic Council is led by the past president who just rolled off.

Serve as President

To serve as President of the EO Nashville chapter, you must have served or be serving at least 3 years on the board at the time of application, including in a Chair role at least once.

Serve with Global

EO members have many leadership opportunities both within the region and the global organization. Members who have served as Chairs in the local chapter can apply to be a Regional Council Member. Those who have served as President can apply to be an Area Director. From those roles, there are global opportunities as well.



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The mission of the finance committee is to plan and maintain our chapter’s financial path. There is much collaboration of fellow board members needed to craft a sound budget that is understood and adhered to by each chair.

Membership Committee

There are three functions that this committee is responsible for:

  • The recruitment of quality new members
  • The retention of new members, especially through member benefit education
  • The overall renewal of our chapter

Participants on this committee will likely be asked to help vet potential members either through attending EO recruitment events or by meeting with candidates one-on-one.


The mission of this committee is to create, plan, and execute quality local learning events that provide chapter members with the tools to grow in both their business and personal lives. This committee will conceive a thoughtful calendar, plan our events, help communicate events, execute and manage the events, and work with other chapters to collaborate at times.

Strategic Alliance Partnership

The strategic alliance committee’s mission is to secure, develop, and manage relationships between our chapter and our partners. The goal is to positively affect the health of our chapter through partnership contributions (financial and in-kind) and support and expand the chapter budget allowing the chapter to provide higher value to its members. This committee will also include the relationship with other entities, such as the Entrepreneur Center, local Universities, etc.


This marketing and communications committee’s mission is to effectively engage the world by informing our chapter members, local media outlets, sponsors, and extended EO networks about what is happening in our chapter, our region, and throughout EO’s global network. In addition to typical communications roles, this engagement committee is also responsible for the Forum Olympics and the EO Community efforts.


The Forum committee will be tasked with building vitality and health within our chapter’s forums through ensuring every member has access to the experience of Forum through training, placement, and moderator management. The committee will also handle spousal forums and the 2nd in Command Forum Program.

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The Catalyst committee will be responsible for the recruitment of new members, potentially the leading of small groups after classes, recruiting mentors and moderators, and determining the feasibility of franchising this program to other chapters.

Member Benefits/Engagement

This committee will be responsible for communicating the benefits of membership to all, and launching new initiatives such as MyEO, Youth Exchange, and more.


The role of this chair will be to organize a Global Student Entrepreneur Award locally, and also to provide EO members with the benefit of a mentor program.

Ancillary Programs

The role of this chair will be to help promote the Level Up benefit offered to EO members and their “SICs”. This will include promoting the program, helping to organize the classes and forums, and be the point person for needs going forward.


The role of the Community chair is to define goals for outreach to many community partners and continue to make EO the most influential group of entrepreneurs.


The role of this chair is to research potential new programs and provide guidance on options moving forward.

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